There is no easy way to get over the ordeal of being cheated on because, well, it’s a pretty damn traumatic experience. It doesn’t really matter if you’re the woman or man, but if you got cheated on it’s gonna hurt and heartbreak does not take sides.
Knowing that you’re far from okay, you will look for ways that you can conceal the pain. May it be through partying, drinking or sleeping around. None of these are less than likely to help and to be honest, not a lot will at that moment.
I wouldn’t recommend being cheated on but if ever you were once, you should know that such a horrifying experience can only make you stronger. It also helps you learn a few valuable lessons about life that you may not have realized before, like:
Not everything lasts forever.
What’s forever? What does that word even mean? After being cheated on, you probably won’t take things for granted as much anymore and I don’t mean that you do but we forget to appreciate. Relationships can end, trust can be broken and your grandparents won’t live forever. I’m not saying that you have to be cheated on to realize this but once you have been deceived, you will understand this concept even better.
They’re not all bad
It’s easy to generalize a gender after being totally screwed over by one and you want to hate every single one of them for what that one did to you but remember that not everybody is the same. The world is filled with really kind-hearted human beings, so do not give up. Don’t hide away and give up on people. Get out there and fall in love again because it can only get better.
You don’t have to forget but you should forgive
Forgiving someone who has done you wrong is really a very hard thing to do. It takes time and it takes a lot of heart to accept the fact that this person you’ve trusted has completely violated everything that you two had built. Forgiving someone doesn’t make you a weak person at all, it is a part of healing and it does eventually help you move on better. You will have peace and that’s the kind of state of mind you’ll want to be in when entering another relationship.
Things happen for a reason
If not for anything then it’s mostly to teach you a lesson. Every good or bad experience you go through, it makes you that much wiser. Know that even though things are down in the dumps at the moment, it won’t be long until you feel better and ready to take on the world once again. Learn from your traumatic ordeal and harness it into a lesson that you can keep.
Love yourself
The most important of all, love yourself. You cannot fully love somebody if you do not truly love yourself first. It sounds so cliche but it’s so true. How can you expect anybody else to love your flaws if you, yourself cannot accept them? How can you give someone a part of you, if you haven’t had the chance to really get to know all of which you are? In the end, you only have yourself that you can count on if things go bad. Sure, there’s family and friends, but they cannot support you in the way that you can support yourself. So, before anyone else – you should learn to love you.