As the world goes visual, Instagram leads the way with over 150 million users. That may be less users than Facebook but it’s probably safe to say that Instagram would win if the two social platforms were to go head to head. This is because its 150 million users are more active than Facebook users. Did you know that 40 million pictures are uploaded daily? That’s a whole lot of images, and behind those images are people who are responsible for them. Some of them are great photographers, while others simply think that a vintage-like filter will make them one.
Much like Facebook, there are certain things you should really refrain yourself from doing or posting. Here are some of those things:
Baby pictures – Don’t get me wrong, I love baby pictures. Can’t get enough of them! But when you post ten consecutive pictures of your baby with slight difference in facial expression, it can get quite annoying.
Hashtag overload – Hastagging is a great tool because it helps filter out the kind of pictures you’re specifically looking for. But then, you get people that #do #it #like #this #and #it #kind #of #gets #annoying. Say, if you’ve uploaded a photo of your new rollerblades, why not just hashtag #rollerblades instead of #gotnewrollerbladesletshopeidontfall.
Illegal posting – What’s that? You smoke weed? You don’t need the world to see you lighting up a blunt. You’re not Rihanna. Her Instagram account got taken away, so learn from that!

Indirectly asking for likes – You post a photo of yourself half naked, with a caption that says, “Lovin’ my new hairdo'” Yeah, that’s exactly why people are clicking like, it’s the hair and not the exposed butt cheeks.
Gross injuries – Seriously, are you that in need for attention that you have to post pictures of blood spewing out of your knee on Instagram? It’s so distasteful and really, really gross! Plus, that Lo-fi filter is making the injury look worse than it actually is.