Love is in the air!

Have you girls ever been in the situation where, you’re on a flight and the guy next to you chats you up and you end up having a good time? But it just slipped your mind to get his number? Meet Jamie Kelly, a 24-year-old from Galway, he was on a flight from Barcelona to Dublin last week. On the plane he met a girl named Katie, and the two hit it off and spent the entire flight talking and giggling.

When they landed, Jamie had to empty his bladder hence he lost track of her when they got to customs in Dublin. “See, I was so engrossed during the flight and being the gentleman that I am, I didn’t want to go to the toilet in front of this beautiful girl so I used the time I had at the passport control to nip to the loo,” Jamie told TodayFM’s Ray D’Arcy. “I came back out, waited for another few minutes. No sign.”
Jamie tried tracking her down on Facebook, he even tried asking the airline for help, all hope seemed lost for Jamie. But with Twitter, it’s easier than ever to stalk find someone. All he knew was her first name and that she was from Nova Scotia, so Jamie enlisted his friends and they launched a social media campaign to find her using the hashtags #findkatie and #loveatfirstflight.

Through the power of the Internet and human kindness (but mostly the Internet), Katie was tracked down by Canada’s CBC News, and the pair reconnected online. “I was obviously very surprised and flattered,” Katie told CBC News. “When I was on the plane I talked to him incessantly because I had just been travelling for two months in Italy and Spain and it was just so nice to be around English speaking people, plus I’m a talker. We had lots in common, plus he was very easy on the eyes.”
Katie and Jamie are reportedly planning to meet in person this week.
We are rooting for you two!