Everybody does it, indulge in a little day drinking, especially during happy hour or a hot day because a cold beer really does help make it better. If you’re at a BBQ over the weekend, you might pick up a can of beer or a bottle of Corona but sometimes a bottle or two can go on to be a half-a-day drinking session!
According to Harris Stratyner, Ph.D, regional clinical vice president of Caron Treatment Center’s New York Recovery Services, day drinking is a habit that’s becoming more problematic, and it’s especially so among women. It goes without saying that drinking alcohol, does not matter day or night, carries a certain amount of risk. But according to some, day drinking is the worst out of the lot and can lead to some serious after effects.
Here are some of the reasons, why you should avoid an afternoon cocktail bender:
You’re More Prone To Accident
There is more to worry about in regards to day-drinking than just the effects it will have on your body. According to Harris, “Emergency rooms are actually seeing more accidents involving women as a result of drinking.” Alcohol messes with your sober state of mind, so if you’re planning to go by the pool or have a BBQ, limit yourself to one or two daiquiri.
You Can Get Sunburnt
A study that was done by British Journal of Dermatology proved that a day’s worth of drinking can increase a person’s risk of melanoma by 20 percent. This is probably due to the fact that alcohol metabolizes into the compound acetaldehyd, therefore making you more susceptible to UV rays. Also, you might just forget to apply sun block after having one too many.
It Can Turn Into A Habit
Doesn’t matter if it’s a tequila shot by the pool or some sangria at lunch, but it’s pretty darn easy for alcohol to become a constant part of your weekend activities. It may seem harmless at first and somewhat normal but you might be drinking more than you would on a night out with friends.
You Get Quickly Dehydrated
Between weekend BBqs, beach getaways and parties by the pool, summer is usually swamped with opportunities to drink outdoors. But drinking in the sun can make you dehydrated and fast, as your potassium levels drop, shifting of magnesium levels and it just puts you in the spotlight to get heart problems and other health concerns. If you know you’re going to be drinking outdoors, why not remind yourself to chase it down with some water to stay hydrated.
You’ll Be Drinking More Than Usual
Compared to going for a few drinks after dinner at a bar, day drinking means there is a longer period of time where you’re able to sip some delicious cocktails. Even more so if you’re at an outdoor gathering during the weekend, or at party that’s held all day and outside. You’re also more likely to grab a cold can of beer than a bottle of water when thirsty. So, no matter what, it’s important to set a limit for yourself and to stick at it. None of that “one more wouldn’t hurt” nonsense.