You know you come across some people that are just so great at being in relationships? No, I’m not talking about Edward and Bella from Twilight, I’m talking about real and regular people. You look at them and think, “How come I can’t be like that?” They make relationships seem so effortless and such a naturally wonderful experience. But it all has to do little with magic but more with what and who they allow themselves to be as a person.
Here are some of the qualities of people that are incredible at relationships and with some effort, you can be one of those amazing people too:
They are true
This does not only apply to being that to your partner but more so to themselves. They are not afraid to show their own quirkiness, thus allowing their partner to do the same.
They are confident
This person relies on nobody but themselves to feel confident. They make themselves feel good about who they are and what they do, and do not rely on their partner to do this for them.
They inspire, not change
A lot of the times when people are in relationships they try to change someone. Instead of changing someone, why not change yourself and inspire your partner to change for their own sake, as opposed to for yours.
They hold no grudges
Holding a grudge is such a destructive emotion and when you do such a thing, it tells your partner that you want them to feel guilty and ashamed in this relationship. By doing so, you will never be able to build a lasting and trusting bond with your partner.
They give, not sacrifice
Doesn’t matter what kind of giving it may be, but when you give something, you have to do so willingly. As you do this, you will feel more light in the relationship. If you feel like you gave up something in order to give to your partner, this will lead a plethora of other unfavourable emotions that could affect the relationship.
They allow for vulnerability
Being vulnerable or appearing so is one of the hardest things you can do in a relationship, especially you have been scarred from past experiences. But allowing yourself to be vulnerable can allow someone else into our world, our soul. And the kind of trust that’s built from this, money just simply cannot buy.
They love to laugh
Not only that, they also love to make their partner laugh. Humour bonds two people together better than anything else in the world as its a spontaneous behaviour. It helps invest a sense of playfulness in any relationship.
They care not for their past
Despite the fact that their parents had a failed relationship, they will not allow their past to define them and aren’t worried to be fated to the same destiny. Instead of letting their past decide their present and future, they learn from the mistakes.