It’s going to be one juicy finale!

In a shocking 2-hour season finale, Lindsay Lohan revealed some shocking news about her personal life. When asked to give her take on her experience on the show, the embattled starlet said, “No one knows this…I had a miscarriage for those two weeks I took off. It’s a very long story…mentally, that messes with you.”
The actress didn’t go into details on who fathered the child, adding instead that there were times she didn’t want to film because she “couldn’t move.”
“Watching this series, I just know how I felt at that moment and I can relate to that girl,” she continued. “It sounds kind of crazy. I’m like oh my god, this is really sad. Who’s helping her?”
Before she started tearing, she continued to talk about her time on the show, saying, “Here’s the thing, even if it’s not my intention to lose everything I’ve worked for, that’s what this addiction will do to me. You guys love it when I cry…It’s a really (bleeped) up disease and it’s really scary.”
Miss Lohan went on saying she is eager to get back to work adding that she’s looking forward to shooting a new movie in June.
“I’m happy,” she said. “The biggest thing I learned from his experience and doing this show is my work ethic is different. I have that fire back in me.”