“Who run the world? Girls!” – Beyoncé
We are girls, we can do anything. We can juggle a full time job, have an active social live, travel anywhere in the world and even fix our cars. You heard me — we can fix our own cars. Not a girly girl myself, I was lucky enough to grow up with a dad who just so happens to own a car workshop. He taught me everything I need to know about cars and if you cannot do the things on my list, you will at least need to have a trusted mechanic to teach you.
You don’t want to be a damsel in distress, now do you? Here are 7 car maintenance tips a girl should know when it comes to cars. It’s time to get your Megan Fox on. 😉

1. Change A Flat Tyre
Flats happen, more often than you would like it, especially with the amount of potholes we have in Kuala Lumpur. Be sure you have a spare tyre or a “donut”, and make sure you have a jack and tyre and know how to use these tools. You will feel on top of the world the first time you change a flat tyre and you will find this endlessly helpful.

2. Change and/or check the car oil
Yes, it is easier to let someone else change and dispose your car oil but it is still always nicer and more comforting to know what is going on. You should know what happens when your oil is changed and you should also know how to check your oil and how to add more if you need it.

3. Check and adjust tyre pressure
Riding on over or under-inflated tyres do not just drain gas mileage, it is also dangerous. It is important to know how to check your tyre pressure. If it is low, add the right amount of air to it and if you need to know how to check your tyre pressure, it is simple. It is listed on the white sticker at the side of your driver’s door.

4. Refill windshield wiper fluids
This is important because Malaysia is dusty. With roadworks going on everywhere and the haze, you need to be able to clean your windshield while you are driving because if you do not, you will not be able to see. If you do not know where to add the fluid, lift up the hood and look for the cap that says washer fluids only. Fill it up and you are good to go. Be sure to keep a jug of it in your trunk for emergency refills.

5. Replace windshield wiper blades
No matter what the weather is like, you will need effective windshield wiper blades. Remembering the size of the wiper blades are not necessary nowadays as most stores have a guide you can use but you need to be able to tell when it is time for a new pair and how to change them. It is really easy — the replacement directions are usually on the back of the package.

6. Jumpstart and/or replace a battery
I remember this one time where I left my car lights on and went to class only to return to my car to find out that my car battery had died. I figured I needed a jump start and when a friend offered me her car and cables, it was even more embarrassing because neither of us knew how to use them. I got my dad to come and he taught me how to do and now I know. Always make sure you have jumper cables in your car because you never know when you will need it. Also, have your mechanic or dad teach you how to do it.

7. Call a tow truck
Do you know what to do when your car breaks down? First off, turn on your hazard lights and get your car safely off the road. Then, call a tow truck – a trusted one. Make sure you have roadside assistance or a tow truck number saved in your phone so you can call them immediately and tell them where you are.
These are some things you need to know if you own a car. If you do not how to do everything on this list, learn now and trust us, it will come in handy during an emergency. Get someone to teach you — your mechanic, dad or just anyone who knows (we don’t stereotype!). If there is anything else that a girl should know when it comes to maintaining a car, drop us a line! We’d love to hear your thoughts.