Lena Dunham has expressed gratitude towards Glamour magazine for deciding to not retouch her new cover shoot alongside Girls co-stars.
The actress is frequently outspoken against body shamers, and she is adamant on practicing what she preaches after posing for the real and natural photos.
“Well, today this body is on the cover of a magazine that millions of women will read, without photoshop, my thigh on full imperfect display,” she wrote alongside the cover on her Instagram profile.
Lena added that no matter what people think of her talent, political opinions or writing, her body “isn’t fair game” and should not be used as ammunition against her.
She said: “Thank you to the women in Hollywood (and on Instagram!) leading the way, inspiring and normalising the female form in EVERY form, and thank you to @glamourmag for letting my cellulite do the damn thing on news stands everywhere today.”

The star explained that how she was treated as a teen meant it was a while until she became comfortable with her body – and now she has a message for haters.
“Haters are gonna have to get more intellectual and creative with their disses in 2017 because none of us are going to be scared into muumuus by faceless basement dwellers, or cruel blogs, or even our partners and friends,” she continued.
“Let’s get something straight: I didn’t hate what I looked like- I hated the culture that was telling me to hate it.”