Enjoy drinking but hate waking up with a horrible hangover the next day?

Unfortunately for some, not everyone can escape the horrible sickly feeling after a night out drinking. So, what now? What do you do to feel better? There are many folk cures that are supposed to help cure a hangover, many that will help you feel better by replenishing the vitamins and liquids you lost over night making for a quicker recovery. The list below will help you cure a hangover.

1. Sleep
Rest is your best friend at this point. Your body needs an opportunity to recover from a hard night out so it is best to stay in bed.

2. Liquids
Replenish your body with fruit or vegetable juice and water. Also, avoid caffeine as it will continue to dehydrate you, which is the opposite of what you want and need when having a hangover.

3. Take A Painkiller
Avoid Acetaminophen, due to liver-damaging reactions with alcohol metabolites. Aspirin or ibuprofen are both fine choices if you have a headache. Be sure to read the instructions and take only the recommended dose. Please note that excessive use of these drugs may cause long-term damage to your liver, especially when used in conjunction with alcohol.

4. Eat Mild-flavoured Carbohydrates
Food like crackers and toast will help alleviate nausea and help your body soak up the alcohol in your system. Avoid acidic or spicy food as they are more difficult for your body to digest. Also avoid heavy or oily food because they increase the feeling of nausea.

5. Hair Of The Dog
Ever heard of the phrase hair of the dog that bit you? It may sound logical with a shot of whiskey left in the bottle next to your bed but that will only provide temporary relief. Drink a Bloody Mary. While your blood is dealing with the new alcohol, it is ignoring the old and in the mean time, the tomato juicy and celery are full of replenishing vitamins.