No matter how old you are, first dates will always be quite nerve wrecking. There are no second chances to make up for the first impression you make, and sadly there isn’t a script for attraction. However, while we can’t guarantee that romance will blossom out of your first date, we can help you avoid making the event a disaster – here’s a list of things you should not do when you’re a guy asks you out for the first time!
1. Get Drunk

Enjoying three huge glasses of ‘long island’ isn’t really a good idea, although we know you’re nervous. You wouldn’t want to be drunk and get carried out of the restaurant on your first date!
2. Wear Something Inappropriate

Do not wear something that can be a potential embarrassment for you and your date. Classy chic is the usual dress code we’d recommend, however, you can ask him
3. Talk About Your Ex

Even if you have nothing else to talk about, do not, I repeat DO NOT bring up your past relationships. You’re on a date with a potential partner, not a potential best friend. Talking about a former lover on a first date will make it seem as if you’re not over him yet – and no guy wants a girl with excess emotional baggage.
4. Interview Your Date

Remember, you’re on a date, not a job interview. Do not interrogate or ask questions that are too intense or philosophical. Avoid questions about his career path or life choices, and stick to getting to know basic things about him first.
5. Seem Too Keen

I get it, sometimes it just happens, but don’t overdo the gushing and touching. Flirting is a norm on all first dates but don’t move on to “I think you’re the one for me, don’t you feel it too?” The rule is to stay cool.
6. Be A Snob

Here’s the tricky part: you don’t want to look so keen but at the same time you don’t want to come off as a snob either. Try to find a balance in between by being friendly and easy going.
7. Talk About Sex (Too Much)

There’s this old rule that stipulates you mustn’t talk about religion and politics, yes, and sex too. If both of you are open minded, then these topics are good to go, however, sometimes talking about religion and politics will end up in an argument, while bringing up sexual discussions too often will make you look like an overly desperate woman.
8. Not Offering to Split the Bill

Whether or not you personally agree that a woman should pay on the first date, one thing you should do is offer to split the bill. Firstly, it shows that you’re independent enough to be able to pay for your own things, and secondly, (and most importantly), you’ll be able to get a hint of how he’ll treat you on future dates/
9. Gossip

Do not insult anyone, or complain about anything – it really looks bad if all you do is not be happy with your surroundings. You wouldn’t want to come off as a Bitter Better or a Whiny Wendy on the first date.
10. Bring A Friend Along

It’s a big NO-NO! You’re on a date, not a field trip. That last thing you want is your date to feel left out or like a third wheel. If it’s a blind date, just let your best friend or family know who you’re meeting up with and where the date is taking place.