When you’ve been with your partner for a significant period of time, everything can get quite routine and there might be a lack of heart-racing enthusiasm as compared to when your relationship had first begun. Although the both of you may be busy running your lives, we believe that every woman should constantly let her man know that he is loved and appreciated, just so he feels warm and excited inside. Hence, here are 10 simple and inexpensive ways you can do so.

1.Give him a nice massage – After he returns home from work, give him a nice back or neck massage complete with essential oils. He’ll know that you are grateful for all his hard work.
2. Slip a sweet note in his pocket – When you’re rushing out the door and you’ve got no time to kiss him goodbye, slip a little note into his pants pocket to let him know that he is always on your mind.

3. Plan a night out for him and his boys – Many of us forget how important it is to let our partner spend some private time with his boys. Gather some of his buddies and plan the night for him. We guarantee that he’ll come home happy.
4. Pack lunches for him – Even if it’s just a simple rice box or a sandwich, he will be content and his colleagues will envy him for having such a thoughtful lover.

5. Write him a love letter – We’re all attached to our mobile phones nowadays and with instant messaging, old school love letters rarely come by anymore. Write him a romantic letter telling him that you love him and post it to his workplace or place it on the counter before you leave for work.
6. Make a love note jar – On small pieces of paper, write down the things you love about your man and put them in a glass jar. Gift this to him and let him take his time to go through everything.

7. Serve him breakfast in bed – It really doesn’t take a lot. If you’re in a hurry, a bowl of his favourite cereal and fruit will do the trick. If you’ve got more time to spare, prepare the good old American breakfast for him.
8. Make little love coupons – With pieces of cardboard paper, make some coupons for him, complete with an expiration date and terms and conditions just for that extra fun. Whether you’ve offered to do his chores for the week or to give him a good time in bed, he’ll be thankful for your gesture.
9. Make him a mixtape – Create a playlist of songs that are meaningful to the both of you and your relationship. Your man will be taken to a trip down memory lane and he will appreciate the fact that you remember these tiny details of your relationship.

10. Have a romantic dinner at home – Take the time to cook him his favourite meal and set the table with some candles at home. Just because you’re not at a fancy restaurant, it doesn’t mean that you cannot create the same romantic atmosphere.