It’s not even close to dinnertime and yet, all you can think about is what you’re going to have for dinner. Unable to wait, you then reach for the bag of potato chips stashed in your drawer for times like these and start munching away. Isn’t this scenario way too familiar? Why are we always hungry? Well, it turns out that our brains are always tricking us into thinking that it’s mealtime when it really isn’t. Here are eight reasons why.
1. You skipped breakfast – The first meal of the day is undeniably, the easiest to mess up. People who miss their morning meal are 4.5 times more prone to obesity because skipping meals slows down your metabolism rate. As a result, it switches your body into fat-storage mode. That’s when you tend to overeat at your next meal. A proper breakfast also should be 300 to 400 calories worth of food, so fill your tummy with foods that are high in protein and fibre.
2. You’re stressed out – When we’re faced with stress, the heart starts racing and depletes your body off its fuel. When that happens, the stress activates a few brain systems to increase appetite and also triggers your cravings for fatty and sugary foods. Remember to always keep your stress levels in check and if you need to, go for a short walk or meditate to calm yourself.
3. You ate too much yesterday – When you go for buffets and go all out on your food, you’ll wake up feeling hungrier than ever. When you overindulge in calorie-laden foods, you could have triggered the changes in blood sugar that trick your brain into thinking that you haven’t got enough food. Hence, try to indulge in moderation.
4. You didn’t drink enough water – A little dehydration can go a long way and make you feel sluggish and fatigued. This means that the hunger you sometimes feel really means that you just need some H2O. When you’re feeling hungry, drink a glass of water before reaching for food. This way, you’ll help your body reduce the cravings you have and stop you from binge eating.
5. You drink too much diet soda – Sugar substitutes in zero-calorie diet sodas mess up your brain’s ability to control the amount of food you need to eat. For the reason that your brain helps to regulate your food intake, constantly drinking diet sodas will weaken your brain’s control over sweet-tasting foods and cause you to crave for foods even more.
6. You haven’t had enough sleep – Sleep deprivation could be the reason you’re putting on a pound or two. According to a study from the University of Chicago, people who sleep only 5.5 hours a night had a higher calorie intake of 221 calories compared to those who snoozed for 8.5 hours. Not only does your brain associate food with pleasure when you’re suffering from lack of rest, your body also revs up your appetite.
7. You’re having PMS – Many females find themselves getting hungrier a few days before menstruating. The reason for this is that the hormonal changes you face during this stage increase your appetite. The next time you’re craving for sweet and fatty foods right before your period, make sure not to beat yourself up too much because it is perfectly normal. Just ensure that you only consume small amounts of the food you crave, after taking your regular meals.
8. You’re bored – Most of what we do daily in life is driven by dopamine, which is a chemical messenger in the brain that links with reward, motivation and stimulation. This chemical messenger also helps us remember that we need to eat. So, when you’re just sitting there and nothing is going on, your brain automatically looks for ways to trigger the dopamine neuron, and that’s when you start reaching for food. Try reading a book, jogging or listening to some music when you’re bored.