It’s no denying that men like having the upper hand in a relationship; and one way of doing that is by giving your lover-boy a special nickname.
Sexually adventurous women have had their fair shares of men wanting them to call them a certain word that actually comes with sexual undertones. ‘Daddy’, ‘captain’, ‘sir’, or if you’re into the whole 50-Shades-of-Gray sort of style, you can call him ‘master’.
Probably one of most uncomfortable and disturbing nicknames for a woman to call her would probably have to be ‘daddy’. Blame the sexual revolution in the late ’60s and pornography for really putting it out there, but the last thing any woman wants is to associate her sex life to a paternal figure. While knowing that there are women who do find pleasure in saying it, it’s still quite weird, don’t you think?
On the other hand, being called “Daddy” gives a guy a chance to feel like an authoritative leader. It’s instinctual and it makes him feel like an alpha male in bed. When a woman declares her submission to him, it makes him feel like he’s the most important person you want, and to please.
Patricia, a former air hostess confessed that her boyfriend chooses to only be addressed as ‘daddy’ when they get intimate.
“It’s the only nickname he could agree to. He hated his real name and whenever I came up with a common name, he would find it hard to perform. It’s a little weird at first, but you get used to it. But the worst part is that when you grow up calling your father ‘daddy’, and call him that when you see him – that’s when things get a little weird”.
So when and why did innocent, everyday words find themselves on Urban Dictionary as sexual innuendos?
Here’s what Patricia thinks: “I think pornography has ruined the words “naughty” and “daddy” for children. Whenever teenagers hear those words, they immediately associate it to sex, and not what it really means.”
Patricia’s experience gave us an idea about why men enjoy being called daddy. But we took to the streets and asked a few guys if they find being called daddy a turn-on. Here’s what four random men have to say:
“I like it. But I think it helps if the girl would be confident in herself and her ‘daddy issues’. If she can confidently differentiate the context behind that word, she’s definitely a strong one”. –Brian, 27
“I wish more girls would be open to saying it. But it’s also a turn-off when she forces herself to say it”. -Adrian, 30
“That’s a little awkward. I’d rather she call me by my name. I don’t want the situation between my future daughter and I to be a weird one”. -Eric, 25
“Girls who call their boyfriends daddy with very little problem have daddy issues. That is all”. -Ronald, 23
At the end of the day, you get a good mix of men who do like, and guys who don’t. But here’s a word of advice when a man asks you to do so – don’t say it if you don’t want to. But when the moment feels right and you really want to say it, turn up the heat and say it out loud!
Disclaimer: All participants in this article have chosen to use a pseudonym to remain anonymous.