Forget hollow heroine-chic cheeks like you see on supermodels, because according to The New York Times, chubby cheeks is the latest “beauty goal” among women in their early 40s.
They’ve got a point if you think about it – baby cheeks mean plump, soft and youthful skin; whereas saggy ones look old. And according to dermatologists, the word “volume” is what can contribute to transforming tired, saggy skin to that of your infantile nieces and nephews.
This is something dermatologists call the “triangle of youth.” That means that if you drew a line across the highest part of the cheeks from ear to ear, and then completed the triangle by drawing lines down to the chin, the widest part of the face would be at the cheeks.
“As we age, the cheeks deflate and excess skin falls toward the jawline,” said dermatologist Dr. Marina I. Peredo. “That makes the triangle flip upside down so that the widest part of the face is now at the jawline.”
Numerous factors cause faces to deflate as they age – When the skeletal structure thins, the cheekbones recede and get smaller; and the medial fat that gives young cheeks their pleasing plumpness, thins out and moves down, causing it to sag. Then, collagen production slows down so skin is no longer as thick and firm as it once was.
Cheek implants (with silicone) have sadly gone out of favor, but you can gladly consider a healthy diet that consists of healthy fats for food skin!
Source: New York Times