For the sake of our own health, exercise has always been a great way to keep our body in shape and refresh our mind. But, things weren’t the same for a mother of four, Kasia Beaver as it can be deadly to her once she starts doing exercise.
According to our source, the 33-year-old British woman is among a rare group of people who suffered from a rare condition known as exercise-induced angiodema (EIA). She said that if her heart beats too fast, her face swells up and she is in danger of going into anaphylactic shock.
Brian Smart, M.D., an allergist and immunologist at the DuPage Medical Group Asthma and Allergy Center in Glen Ellyn, Ill., believes EIA affects one in 1,000 people, Self Magazine reported.
Running, jogging or chasing after her children could be deadly to Beaver and she told the Daily Mail that she suffered her first attack when she 20. Since then, she carries medication and an epiPen to treat anaphylactic shock. Self Magazine reported that EIA is seen most often in people in their 20s and 30s, according to Smart.
Source: Global Post