Conflicting emotions can be abundant in humans. You wanna workout, but also wanna sleep in. You wanna cook, but prefer take out. The same thing applies to sex. At times, you feel super horny and long for sex, but then, you’re just too tired for it. So, how to deal with this situation?

Luckily for you, there’s a way. Even though it could be difficult to muster the energy, amazing sex is still possible even when you’re exhausted. In actuality, sleepy sex can still be wonderful. Of course, it’s crucial to consider the sex positions that’ll be the simplest to do as well. You wouldn’t want to be flopping around or moving in a way that needs a lot of strength or effort if you want to enjoy drowsy sex effectively. There are many possibilities that are ideal for a lazy Sunday morning, but these are the positions we think are the greatest and that you should try.

You won’t need to exert much effort to get into this position. In addition, you’ll feel incredibly warm and near while still having intense moments, particularly if you strive for some clitoral stimulation. Your partner should be behind you, with both of you facing the same way as you lie on your sides. As he enters you, push your butt in his direction. Show him how you want your clitoris to be touched by placing your hand on his. You can also have him alternate between playing with your breasts.

This position might work if spooning doesn’t seem intimate enough for the both of you. You both get to be very comfy, making it ideal for intimacy or spicing things up with naughty banter. Face each other while rolling onto your sides, entwine your legs, and squeeze your chests together. Build yourself back up gradually to an even more amazing climax. To get the ideal angle, you can apply lubrication or position a pillow beneath your hip.
Cross Booty

You and your partner can both stay in this strange posture and still switch things up while still lying down. You’ll be able to see each other well, and get superb clitoral stimulation with ease. Additionally, you can use your favourite vibrator and let it handle the bulk of the work. Your partner would have to slide their chest and legs off of your body while in the missionary position. Their pelvis will align with yours, but their limbs will create an “X” as a result. By massaging their back, butt, or legs as they thrust from this unusual angle, you can make this position even sexier.
Side 69

When you don’t want to move around too much but still want to make each other feel wonderful, this position is a great idea. Additionally, side 69 makes it simpler to concentrate on all the wonderful sensations of oral sex, allowing you both to come — and then immediately nod off. Lying head to toe, cuddle up next to each other on your sides. Your partner can lay their head on your lower thigh as you do the same by separating your legs. Then carry on with oral sex. Put a pillow beneath your head if your neck begins to hurt.
Woman on Top

While you can still maintain control, this is a wonderful posture to unwind in. It’s intense and intimate, and you can grind or bounce as much as you like, but it requires less work than typical cowgirl, making it ideal for a lazy morning. Swing a leg over and straddle your partner while they are slouching back. To hold you and enclose you, they can raise their knees. For added support, you can even lean forward against the wall. Leaning on your partner instead of sitting up in this position is an option if you’re exceedingly lazy.
Dirty Dangle

Your blood will undoubtedly rush to your head in this position, giving you an erotic inversion sensation. At the foot of the bed, start by reclining on your back. When you’re both about to climax, have him mount you in the missionary position. Then, move slowly toward the edge of the bed until your head, shoulders, and arms hang over the side. If you start to feel dizzy, take a pause and sit up. We know the phrase “passing out from pleasure” sounds sexy, but it’s best not to take it literally.

If your partner isn’t as worn out, they can do the most of the motion while you relax and close your eyes. Missionary is also fantastic when you want to cover yourself in blankets to be warm. Relax on your back with your legs slightly apart and your partner on top. Play around with different angles to get more or less clitoral stimulation, such as putting your legs closer together or further apart.
Electric Slide

You can unwind and completely give up control in this posture, which enables you to focus solely on your enjoyment. Legs straight and slightly apart, lie on your stomach on the bed or the floor. Your partner is seated just behind your butt, supporting himself with his hands on either side of his torso and his legs in front of him. In order to penetrate you, he should lean at a 45-degree angle to your body. Bring your legs close to one another for a snug fit as he moves back and forth. You can now relax with your arms out in front of you or on your elbows while your man does the job.
Tight Squeeze

For this position, lay flat on your stomach while spreading your legs just a little bit. Your arms can be at your sides or extended in front of you. To avoid putting all of his weight on you, have your partner spread his body over yours while resting on his elbows. Close your legs and cross them at the ankles as he enters you. He will feel even further inside of you if you clench your thighs. He can then reach under you to play with your breasts, brush his lips against your neck, or bite on your earlobe.
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