Backaches are NO REASON for you to not have a fantastic shag, ending with a volcanic orgasm. In my previous article, we explored the interesting positions that people with knee pain can have sex in. So now, let’s learn all the sex positions that are backache-friendly, and are guaranteed to give you a rewarding night.
A gentle reminder: a backache is a serious form of injury as it relates to the spinal area. The following recommended positions are awesome if you do not suffer from a serious spinal injury. They are suitable for couples who experience slight backache that doesn’t allow them to have sex in certain positions. So, whatever your choice is, please make it at your own risk – and maybe consult a doctor if necessary. Don’t wanna get paralyzed while having sex now, do we?
Anyways, let’s get down to business cause I know you horny people can’t wait.
1. Spooning

If you’ve read Lipstiq’s previous sex articles, you’d know that the spooning position is often recommended due to its all-in-one versatility. The spooning position is the universal safe-sex position – like, there’s nothing to mess up in this position, and your backache will not be triggered in any way because you are lying on your side without placing pressure directly on your back.
Make your spooning more interesting by doing it in various spots. Get out of the bedroom and do it on the couch, on the kitchen counter, or just wherever you get horny.
2. The Standing Doggy

The regular doggy position may not be comfortable, and could, in fact, worsen your backache. But if you still enjoy the doggy style more than other positions, then try the standing up doggy position. This position is great because you do not exert much pressure on your back, as you will not be arching it much. If your backache strikes when you are bending forward too much, then this will be great, because the standing doggy allows you to keep both of your backs relatively straight as your partner grinds into you.
3. Missionary With A Twist

If missionary sex has been a tormenting position for you all this while, that is about to change now. This is missionary with a slight twist. Usually, in a missionary position, the receiving partner tends to keep their legs straight when the giving partner is thrusting into them. This is a terribly painful position for people with radiating backaches that travel down the back of their legs. So, keeping your legs straight when banging isn’t going to do you any favours.
All you need to do is slowly lift your legs upwards while bending your knees. Kind of like the happy baby yoga position we learned in the sex position for knee pain article. The twist here is to place both your legs on your partner’s shoulders while they thrust into you. The lifted leg and bent-knee missionary position will keep you from placing any pressure on your nerve point that may aggravate the pain.
So, this missionary style can possibly save you from your backache, while allowing you to have a gob-smacking f*ck sesh.
4. Lotus

Another way to screw your partner without actually screwing your back. The grinding back and forth, the intense eye-gazing and foreplay, the friction of your partners skin to stimulate your clitoris, your free hands teasing each other – bloody amazing! Your p*$$y will get the loving it needs without destroying your back. To elevate the intense sensation, you can even slip in a vibrator while grinding in the lotus position. You’re welcome!
5. Facedown

For some people, lying prone would not be of much help – so why not lie on your stomach instead? If lying facedown relieves your backache, then you can very well shag in this position too. I personally find this a very relaxing position, as there isn’t much complication and movements to it. All you gotta do is lie facedown and spread your legs, and prepare to be devoured. When the receiving partner is in this position, it tightens the vagina, resulting in a more intense penetration. I say it’s a golden position for people with backaches.
Now, we can’t forget the solo sex community, can we? Masturbating can be a lil challenging, especially when you have backache problems. Some people can only achieve orgasm when masturbating in a certain position, but once you have backache, getting into these positions feels like you’re a gymnast in the Olympics.
So, here are the best masturbation positions to assume to avoid backache:
1. The Solo Sideways
With or without the toys, the solo sideways could be a less painful position if you suffer from backache. You can stimulate all the important areas of your body without placing any pressure whatsoever on your back – and a cumfest is guaranteed.
2. On Your Back

If leaning to your side creates discomfort in your back, you can remain with your back on the bed while carrying out your business with a toy or even your hands. Honestly, when your entire body is exposed, even the slightest touch of cold air can increase your arousal. Just make sure you are positioned in a comfortable way – use pillows and bolsters to adjust your body posture if needed.
Bonus Tips
Here are some bonus tips to include when shagging to avoid all the discomfort in your back. Oftentimes, you are only a tweak away from the best lovemaking session. So, just because one position doesn’t work, there’s no need for you to be devastated and give up – there are a few ways to fix things:
- Tweak Your Position – As mentioned, you do not necessarily have to be in the recommended posture, sometimes adjusting your body, twisting your body placement and turning a different way can make a HUGE difference in your sex life. Your backache can be avoided if you maybe just adjust a little.
- A Hot Shower – Weird, but really helpful. A hot shower or soaking your body is a warm bath can ease the tensed muscles and help your body relax. An eased back is more flexible compared to a tensed one. So, before hitting it out – just take a nice hot shower. Cleaning yourself just to get nasty again? Sounds like fun.
- Communication Is Key – It is indeed, hun. You can’t shag without communicating your pain and discomfort to your significant other. When your partner knows what makes you uncomfortable, it is much easier to avoid such positions beforehand.
- The Pillow – Pillows are a great help to relieve your backache when having sex. The next time you have sex – which I’m guessing is probably tonight – try inserting a pillow maybe under your stomach or your back (or any other needed area) for easing the whole sex escapade.
- Alternative Pleasure Methods – There are so many other ways of pleasuring your partner without actually having sex. The toys you keep hidden in the closet would be a great help now. So, have fun, experiment with different ways and find the divine method that offers you a heavenly intimate session.
So, hope this helps peeps – and I hope you have an unforgettable passionate time tonight (virtual wink)!
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