‘You’re born with them’… ‘They’ll get thicker as you age’…
These are things most women hear all their lives – which is why they spend hours shaving, waxing or plucking their body hair. But having body hair is completely normal. Most people see women’s body hair as something unfeminine, yet there are men and women alike who regard hairy women as more clever, confident and physically fit.
If you’re too worried about the hairs on your body, here are some facts to make you feel proud to have them:
1.Extra sun protection

More hair, more sun protection. Stone Age people’s bodies were covered with hair to protect them from the sun’s harmful rays. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t wear sunscreen when you’re out in the sun. Our body hair is much thinner and shorter now than it was in prehistoric times, so it’s not adequate protection from UV rays. So get some sunscreen!
2. Wounds heal faster

Stem cells, which help an organ regenerate, are abundant in hair follicles. Hair follicles appear to be the most important anatomical structure in the healing of cutaneous wounds. So if you’re one hairy lady, you have a lot of hair follicles and more stem cells in your skin. To put it another way, it’s the gland that keeps your hair and skin hydrated. If you receive a cut or a wound, your skin will recover faster thanks to your body hair.
3. Keep warm

Warm, fuzzy and cozy. The pleasure is surreal. Another benefit of having hair is that it helps to keep us warm. How does it work? When we are cold, our body hair stands on end, trapping warm air that is closer to the skin’s surface. Yep, those goosebumps serve a purpose after all!
4. Thick lashes and brows

Goodbye fake lashes! Who need those when you already have thick and gorgeous original lashes! You probably have long or thick eyelashes if you’re hairy. Long lashes are prized by women because they make our eyes shine when curled and dusted with mascara. Let us not forget, though, that they are also there to keep the dust out of our eyes.
Ooohh, and not just that, you’ll have thick brows too! It’s like a complete hairy package. Think of all the time you’ll save for make up. Thick brows shield your eyes from external particles such as dust and sweat. They also disclose your feelings, which is fantastic, since it allows others to know how to behave or what to say around you. So proudly raise those brows, girls!
5. Protected from insects

Your body hair is like a jungle for tiny creatures. The hair on your body defends you against mosquitoes, other insects, and pests. Hairiness aids in the detection of parasites sniffing around you for a non-hairy patch of skin to land on. Because your hair follicles include nerve cells that attach to your spinal cord, this is the case. When a mosquito brushes across even a single strand of hair on your arm or leg, nerves send messages to your spine and back to your follicles, causing you to jerk away.
6. Disperse odour

Now, whether you have extra body hair or not, you’ll still end up stinking! That’s because the stench comes from bacteria that feed on your perspiration as they thrive in wet environments. So being hairy isn’t the main factor for body odor issues. Your body hair has no odour of its own, but when microorganisms on the skin’s surface begin to break it down, it begins to smell. We humans rely on sweat to regulate our body temperature. However, if you’re concerned about smelling bad, deodorants and antiperspirants can help.
Don’t worry about your body hair. They are there for a reason. A good reason. Plus, they make us women look even sexier (like, literally!). Men love hairy women because they look like they have a soft, clean, fur covering on the skin. And what makes a man jump more is when you have goosebumps! It’s like a whole new definition of sexiness! So be proud and confident about your hairy body no matter what.
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