A relationship is a wonderful place to be in – so I’ve heard. You typically share common interests, morals and just an all-out vibe with your significant other. You both take good care of each other extremely well and show tons of affection towards one another, which leads to a healthy and balanced relationship. But, what do I know, right?

However, what I do know is that you don’t necessarily need everything from your partner. Being in a relationship doesn’t mean that your lover should provide everything for you mentally, emotionally and physically. They are there to support you and be there for you – that’s it.

Also, in my humble opinion, the best relationship that one should have is a healthy relationship with oneself. And that goes way before you even enter into a relationship with someone else. Because no one knows you best more than you. Which is why, when it comes to dating, there are certain things that you don’t even need from your partner – so, we’re gonna list them out down below!
Quick disclaimer: Just know that it’s totally okay if you wish to ask for these things of your partner. However, in this article, we wish to advocate for self-love for our babes!
Outer Space

As much as you adore your lover, you don’t need to spend every waking moment with them. You don’t have to need them to be around you constantly, because it’ll just suffocate not only the relationship, but you and them. Time apart is crucial in every relationship to ensure that you still have your own independence, as well as a space for you to just relax in – and you don’t need your partner for that.
Validation Temptation

To have your feelings and entire being validated by your sweetheart is what we all hope for – but it doesn’t have to be all the time. Your relationship isn’t a symphony of emotional gratification and your partner certainly is not a machine for them to constantly ensure that your feelings and self are valid. That is ultimately your job and your task to make yourself feel affirmed – not other people.
Which is why a loving relationship with yourself is so crucial, because you don’t need to rely on your partner to do the validation for you, especially when they’re not around to accommodate your needs.
Better Left Unsaid

Arguments can turn out very messy. Couples would say hurtful things just to spite each other, and would leave emotional scars that could potentially jeopardize the entire relationship. However, some arguments are not worth the fight. If you do get into a disagreement with your partner, instead of solving it, it’s better to just let it go.
In fact, learning how to set things down and move on might be more beneficial. Sometimes, reconciliation is achievable, and other times, it is achieved through accepting disagreement rather than forcing a solution.
Actions Are Louder

Much like the sense of needing validation from your lover, you don’t always the requirement of your partner’s affection and appreciation. Just to put your mind at ease: Your partner not showing you the affection that you hope for doesn’t mean that it’s a sign of lack of intimacy or love. It’s about faith in the essence of love, even when it isn’t shown clearly. You have to fully trust your partner that he loves you – but it doesn’t mean that he should love you the way that you expect him to.
More self-relationship advice? Read these:
Nobody, Nobody But You: Do You Suffer From Impostor Syndrome?