Sometimes, we land on unthinkable recipes on the internet which have gone viral for no reason. However, you know that if we were to find recipes truly worth giving a shot, we’d share it right here with you guys, right? So this recipe, which has gone insanely viral, is no click bait, because it involves – wait for it….Malteser chocolates and popcorn!

Now that we’ve got your full attention, let’s learn more about “Malteser popcorn” which has been blowing up on social media.
This tummy-satisfying recipe was shared on TikTok by a cooking page, @foodttik, which got our taste buds jumping for joy! It’s only fair to recreate this recipe at home and give it a try, isn’t it?
As seen in the video, the whole recipe is a 3-step process which can be done in a jiffy.
- Add a bag of malteser on a pan.
- Next, a generous amount of melted butter is added on the chocolate, soaking the maltesers
- Dump in the popcorn kernels.
While mixing all of the ingredients together, the heat is turned on low, and a lid is placed on top of the pan to allow the popcorn to slow cook in the melted chocolate.
@foodttik #HotChocolate #foodttik #food #christmas #baking #popcorn #chocolatepopcorn #yum #delicious #foryou #fyp
The final result is a sheer masterpiece. There are many ways to add your own touch to this recipe. You can change the chocolate according to your preference (if malteser is not it, it’s ok, we forgive you!) or add other ingredients like salt, caramel or honey to suit your taste buds.
The comments from TikTok users were mostly positive, but some had issues with the chocolate burning. Thankfully, some fellow popcorn-fanatics were able to help them out, explaining that there were some simple tricks they could try to avoid burning the chocolate.
Using a lot more BUTTER is key to preventing the chocolate from getting burned. So yeah, being generous is key guys.
We can’t wait to experiment with this one!
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