Pornography can be referred to as erotic films or sex films that present sexual fantasies through erotically-stimulating subject matter, such as nudity and sexual intercourse. First of all, we are in no way shaming those who watch porn; individuals are generally motivated to watch porn for sexual pleasure, due to sexual curiosity, and to enrich their fantasy life, so it’s very much a normal thing. However, it stops being a normal or good thing when you abuse the frequency of porn use if you’re only driven by boredom avoidance or stress reduction.

Here’s what you can do to stop the habit
If you catch yourself hopping onto Pornhub or scrolling through Twitter porn, stop what you are doing and force yourself to use critical thinking. Getting into your own head will allow you to think about what you are actually into, instead of staring into the screen, zoning out then finishing and getting hit with pot-nut clarity.

When you encourage yourself to think about how you want your sexy time to go, you get to identify what your fantasy is, and what you are actually attracted to, and this will then feed into your actual sex life, allowing you to feel much more confident in the bedroom.

To tell you the truth, heavily relying on porn can be very damaging in general. Since the porn industry is driven to cater towards the male gaze, most of the pornographic content solely consists of f*cking women like they’re objects, degrading them, performing acts on women that are initially abusive, and anything else other than giving pleasure to the women. This sets an unhealthy and damaging standard to what sex looks like, so if you rely on porn and you think that what you see on porn is exactly what your sex partner wants, you’re wrong.
When you stop relying on porn and relying on their standard, you start to think about what makes you feel good and how you want your sex life to go, so you can make your own standards and play it by your rules.

More on sex? Read this:
I, CLAUDIA: Sexual Fetishes And Kinks In Bed That Are IMO… Overrated AF