We all know what red flags are, as they have always been brought up everywhere and every time – they behave in a controlling manner, exhibit persistent jealousy, has no friends, etc. But, what if I tell you that some of the signs you thought were red flags, are actually green ones instead? Not everything is necessarily a red flag – so these are some green flags you thought were red, to watch for in a relationship that can reveal your partner is a total keeper 4lifers.

1. They don’t text back right away

I’ve asked 10 of my friends if this is a red flag, and 8 of them said, “Uh, of course? Duh.” That’s enough to prove that so many people view this ‘taking their time to reply your message’ as a red flag, but trust me, texting back too soon is in fact, a no-no. You need to start understanding that maybe some people just don’t like to always be plugged into their technology, and are instead, focusing on their own interests and their own lives. And if they text back too soon, doesn’t that kinda indicate that they’re a lifeless person? Well, that’s what I think.
But watch out if this is the case:

2. They haven’t blurted out the “I love you” line

Pretty much everyone knows that saying I love you in the very beginning of a relationship is a red flag, because love bombing is an actual thing, which is a manipulative tactic narcissists love to use. So, let’s say you’ve been seeing your partner for a couple months, and you just can’t stop wondering why they haven’t said “I love you” to you – they probably feel like they’ve already told you in their own way. It could be through gifts, physical touch, or acts of service. But, if this is something that is eating you up, have an open and healthy conversation with them. Let them know that this is bothering you, and listen to what they have to say.
3. They get along/ are friends with their ex

Hey, believe it or not, this third point is a green flag (I think?). Unless they keep hanging out secretly and your woman’s intuition tells you otherwise, for the most part, there’s nothing wrong with remaining friends with an ex under certain circumstances. For example, if clear boundaries are set, they have mutual friends, or they’ve redefined their relationship. But if you still feel uneasy and anxious, don’t be afraid to address this to your partner before jumping to conclusions.

4. You don’t meet up as often as you used to

Once again, it all comes down to what you want, your goals, schedules and how you feel. Although seeing them once a week is fine, if you want to see them more by month four you can scale it up to twice depending on your schedule. Your partner may be currently working on something important to them, and that this is a very crucial time for them. Because remember gals, alone time in a relationship is vital, and you can also take some time for yourself during your time apart and go for a spa day or a shopping spree.
Ps – Maintaining individuality is KEY to a healthy loving relationship.

Read more about relationships here:
Relationship Vs Mental Health: Dating The Wrong Person Could Trigger Anxiety