Breastfeeding is a beautiful, natural process between a mother and her child. It has been so for centuries now and it’s the best way a child establishes a close bond with their mother. It’s quite a different scene in Malaysia if you want to feed your child in public. The conservative society that we live in often frowns upon mothers who choose to breastfeed their baby in public because it’s something that should be done in private, or behind closed doors – or so they feel.
In today’s technology-oriented world, however, there are many ways to feed a child breastmilk – using motor pumps, suction pumps or manual pumps. These gadgets are life savers for mothers, especially those who are working. It also helps a tired mother take a quick break from breastfeeding while giving the opportunity for others to feed the child.
Brushing aside the many opinions offered about how a mother should or shouldn’t feed their child, it’s completely up to the mother how they want to do it. So, if you’re a new mom and need to feed your child in public, these tips will help you do so without going frantic.
1. Use a nursing cover

There is a wide range of choices for nursing covers. From beautiful designs to practical function, nursing covers are a convenient way to breastfeed your baby in public without having peepers on you. It’s best to do some research beforehand on the breathable material suitable for covering your child for a long time and which design suits you best.
2. Wear nursing tops

Another convenient way to easily breastfeed without having to expose yourself too much is by wearing a nursing top. These tops are tailored with discreet slits in front that you pull open whenever you need to nurse your child. If you’re worried about getting exposed, you can cover the top with a light cloth which doesn’t trap much heat.
3. Practice at home

The saying “practice makes perfect” literally applies here. If you want to confidently nurse your child in public, you and your baby need to get the hang of it first, because babies generally do not like to be covered. So the best practice ground would be your home. Once you and your baby are comfortable with the style, you can do it effortlessly outside.
4. Find a nursing room or a comfortable spot

If you’re somewhere that has a nursing room, it can be one of the safest and most comfortable options in which to feed your baby freely. Some nursing rooms are so calming and beautifully built that they enhance the whole experience. If you don’t prefer a confined space, find an open space which is comfortable for both you and your baby.