Snooping or snoop around—is an act where you go behind your partner’s back to gather information about them that you may or may not know just yet. Okay so in short ‘’snooping’’ is when you are stalking your partner’s daily lives schedule. Yes, pathetic I know. And before you go about to defend yourself saying, ‘’I have trust issues, I need to know with whom my partner’s talking to..’’ Seriously, you need to do some cleansing because you have a serious self-esteem problem.

Okay, I admit it, sometimes I go scrolling through my partner’s Twitter or Instagram or Facebook or just any social media in particular, but trust me, it’s harmless. And I believe everyone did that. But, in the case of ‘’snooping’’ it’s a whole-nother world of stalking. We’re talking about invading your partner’s privacy. Checking through your partner’s cell phone while he’s in the bathroom or listening in on a phone conversation she’s having with her mother. Basically when you find yourself acting lunatic to find something that may not exist, you’re in fact snooping. Here are some things people don’t realize. Snooping can be extremely detrimental to a relationship of any kind, but especially a romantic one.
In the case of ‘’snooping’’ it’s a whole-nother world of stalking. Basically when you find yourself acting lunatic to find something that may not exist.
Most people can admit that they’ve snooped here and there in a relationship (me!), but if you find that you’re doing this on the regular, aka everyday every hour, it may be a sign of a major problem in your relationship. The most detrimental side effect of snooping is that it erodes the trust you’ve built up between you-a critical piece for any serious union. And yes I get it sometimes, past-event of problems that had happened between the two of you may arouse or triggered your ”trust” issues. But this is when an open-communication in relationship comes to play. Ask them, talk to them, and if you’re still finding it hards to believe them… leave them. Why would you want to dwell in an environment that is not healthy for your soul?

Even if you tell yourself, “I’ll just see what conversation he/she’s having today,” if you find even the smallest breadcrumb of evidence, you’ll drive yourself crazy, wanting to dig for more. You’ll start to overanalyze every single move or text your partner sends and, well, that’s just draining ain’t it? Either have an open and honest conversation or leave your partner and allow room for a healthy relationship to enter your life. Leave your spyglass behind, Nancy Drew!