It happened again. Yes, your thoughts have deprived you from a much needed sleep at night and you’re probably going to feel like a zombie the next morning. Of course with the help of caffeine you’re able to fight back the drowsiness. But this can’t be your daily ritual as insomnia can lead to serious health side effects. That’s why you need to tackle the root cause of your sleepless nights and find ways for invite a calm and peaceful night sleep. We cannot stress on the importance of a good night’s sleep, as that’s the time your body works super hard to renew cells and regenerate your bodily functions.
Here are some ways you can push away any unwanted thoughts, worry or anxiety before hitting the bed. Give yourself some time for these techniques to work.
Focus on the here and now.

In our day to day life, we have much to worry and be anxious about. We worry about the past and the future but forget that we have to focus on what’s most important, the present moment. We can’t change the past nor we can predict the future, but we certainly can control the present moment. Brush off unnecessary worries that is deeply rooted in your mind. It’ll only cause anxiety and stress, nothing else. Do this and give the relaxation your brains and body needs.
Ditch your electronic devices.

This is key. No matter how addictive or tempting it might be to scroll through contents on your phone, avoid doing it before sleeping. It will activate thinking and your mind become active, and well, there goes your sleep. Furthermore, reading distressed news or thought-provoking information will raise the level of stress and anxiety. Besides, the light from these electronic devices badly affects the melatonin production in your body, making falling asleep even harder. So remember, put away all electronic devices at least an hour before hitting the bed.
Distract yourself.
Now that gadgets are off the table, fill your time by doing things that relaxes your mind and body. Prepare yourself sleep. That could mean reading a book, colouring, listening to light music, going for a walk or simply taking a hot shower. When you want to divert your mind from racing thoughts, a relaxing activity can help you achieve that.
Schedule a particular time for your thoughts and worries.
This might come as a surprise to you, but when you set aside a time to reflect on troubled thoughts or issues, chances are these worries will not come in your way during bedtime. During this “worrying time,” write down your stressful thoughts on paper and think of some practical steps you can take to tackle the issue that worries you. Be persistent in doing this and you’ll be surprised how well you’re able to control your mind and thoughts.
Try a muscle relaxation technique.

This works almost every time. All you have to do is, relax every part of your body. This is a similar technique the military uses to fall asleep fast. This exercise will help you relax strained muscles and force you to focus on these parts of your body, which will distract your attention from any racing thoughts. For a detailed technique on how to fall asleep in minutes, click here.