The gorgeous ‘lake’ with blue water in Simpang Pulai, Ipoh has garnered a lot of attention from people all over the world when it first became viral on social media last month.
However, little did they know — this rare discovery is actually a strictly prohibited area for the crowd.

The private-owned quarry which belongs to Uniteck Agency Sdn Bhd, is mainly engaged in the business of extracting, processing and trading ore and ball clay.
We’re not sure if everyone got the memo though, because many daredevils have been spotted creeping into the area and some of them were even playing in the quarry with rubber tires as boats. LOL
The magical blue water may look super tempting but it’s also really, really dangerous to be playing around in the clay mine. This is not the place to #doitforthegram you guys. (Think about the chemicals..!)

Of course, the land-owners are not happy about this. Uniteck’s quarry manager Chooi Yim Onn has had enough with random strangers trespassing the restricted area, so he did what any smart man would do — file a police report.
“Although we have a safety guard and the gate has been locked, people are still sneaking into the area. In fact, I made a policy report in the Simpang Pulai Police Hall so that any future reckless accidents by the trespassers will not be under my responsibility and the company.”
On another note, does this look like a possible gate to the Upside Down world? #StrangerThingsHaveHappened 😨