A quick search on Google evidently shows that the world has long been on the fence about whether or not white bread is good or bad for you, despite being reminded time and time again that it has minimal nutritional value and an excessive refined sugar content.
Well, a new study from the Weizmann Institute of Science finally resolves this ongoing debate as it has proven that the effects from eating whole-wheat and white bread are personal, and the results don’t differ to a great degree when compared side by side.

The study observed people who ate supermarket white bread and those who consumed artisanal whole-wheat sourdough. The conclusion? Half the participants had higher blood sugar after eating white bread, whereas the other half also recorded higher blood sugar from the whole-wheat sourdough.
Other factors taken into consideration such as levels of cholesterol, fat and essential minerals remained constant. The scientists proved that brown bread does have more fiber, but white bread isn’t “unhealthier” at all. Now, isn’t that a relief?