If you’ve always been confused about travel insurance policies and credit cards, GoBear is here to help you.
GoBear provides unbiased side-by-side comparison between financial products for users, helping you to select the financial product that best suits your need. Think of it as the Agoda for insurance policies and credit cards.
For example, when you are travelling to a foreign country, just key in the destination and travel dates, alone or in a group, and the site will compare all the rates from different companies, so you can make a more informed decision.
GoBear currently lists over 1,000 financial products on its website and will be adding more in the months to come. Although its main focus now are travel insurance and credits cards, the site will be expanding into the car insurance and personal loan category later this year.
For more information, visit GoBear’s website, and follow the #gobearMY journey on their Facebook page.