Hey, Malaysians! Don’t miss out as you can win amazing daily and weekly prizes in conjunction with Hong Kong Tourism Board’s #DiscoverHongKong campaign. All you have to do is snap a picture or shoot a video during your trip to Hong Kong with the hashtag #DiscoverHongKong. 😉
Hong Kong is known for its local delicacies, and the more you find out about Hong Kong’s hidden gems and share them on social media, your chances of winning exciting prizes will be higher.
Entries are accepted until 24 April 2016 and all you need to do is reveal Hong Kong’s hidden attractions and share your experiences, with the hashtag #DiscoverHongKong and a one-liner caption that starts with “I never knew…”.

Photos uploaded via Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, and videos on YouTube or Vimeo will be judged based on creativity in unravelling Hong Kong’s hidden gems. Dozens of valuable prizes, such as a US$1,000 Amazon coupon will be given out daily, and every Wednesday until April 24, one lucky participant will win a four-day trip for two to Hong Kong which includes round-trip tickets, a three-nights stay in a 5-star hotel, and a Michelin-starred dining experience.
For more info on the #DiscoverHongKong campaign, you may click here. Good luck! 😀