Go ahead and have that nasi lemak in the mornings!
Nasi lemak has been listed as one of 10 most healthy international breakfasts by TIME Magazine. The TIME article described nasi lemak as supremely delicious while listing out the components of the dish. While the article admits that there is a bit more fat than is good for you, they justify it with the fact that it’s still balanced with lots of manganese, protein and carbs.
The article also claims that the chilli in the sambal is good for your metabolism, but that depends on which nutritionist you refer to.
Nasi lemak is also a versatile dish, it can be served with fish, eggs, chicken, cuttlefish, so that probably adds to the nutritional value as well. The bottomline is that we can all enjoy our nasi lemaks in the morning with, well, lesser guilt, but be careful because it still contains coconut milk and lots of carbs!