Vaseline was created in 1858 and is a popular choice thanks to its skin healing properties. Besides curing cuts, cracked skin, dry patches and etc, Vaseline is also one of the classic go-to beauty product. Read on to find out just how petroleum jelly can keep you beautiful from head to toe.

Smell nice for longer – If you apply Vaseline on your pulse points such as your wrist and neck, and then spray some perfume, the scent will last longer. Betcha’ didn’t know that!
Take off your false lashes with ease – Do you sometimes tug on your falsies? Well, it’s actually really bad to do this because the skin around your eyes is very delicate. If you want to remove your false lashes, just smear some Vaseline with a cotton swab onto your lash line and peel away!
Remove eye makeup – If you’ve run out of your favourite eye makeup remover, simply use Vaseline.
Make wearing earrings painless – Got sensitive ears and hardly wear earrings?Just dab on some Vaseline on your earlobes before piercing in your earrings and you will be surprised how little pain you will feel.
Rid of scuff marks – Unsightly scuff marks on your patent pleather shoes bothering you? Just use petroleum jelly with a cotton swab to wipe it away.

Moisturize your feet – If you have really dry and scaly feet, just rub a generous amount of Vaseline all over and wear socks before bed. You’ll wake up to beautiful and soft feet!
Get the dewy look without makeup – Dab some on your forehead and cheeks (careful not to apply too much or your face will resemble a frying pan) for that gorgeous dewy glow.
Cheap highlighter – Don’t feel like spending a bomb on highlighting products? Not to worry, just put a tiny bit of Vaseline on your cheekbones and voila!
Swap your mascaras – Want a natural look but still have full lashes? Instead of using mascara, why not apply some to your lash area. Doing this will also promote lash growth.
Say goodbye to split ends – Not a permanent solution to split ends but if you don’t have time to go to your favourite hair salon, just rub a tiny amount of Vaseline on the ends of your hair.

Protect your nose – If you have allergies, you will know that nothing is more annoying than a runny nose. Actually, there is one thing: excessive wiping with tissue that causes cracked skin. If this happens, just dab on some Vaseline.
Keep your brows in check – Have you got unruly brows and would really like to tame them? If you do then use some Vaseline. You can either use the pads of your fingers (preferably the ring finger) or just use a brow brush for a more defined look.
Give your skin a moisture kick – Believe it or not, it’s totally okay to use Vaseline as a moisturiser and it won’t clog your pores. If you’re acne-prone, you might want to have a word with your dermatologist before smearing any amount of Vaseline on your face.
Soothe your sunburn – Forgot to apply some sunblock? Well, if you’re suffering from the sores of having a sunburn, moderately apply some Vaseline on the affected area.
Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate – Can’t be bothered to splurge on exfoliating products? Just mix some Vaseline and coarse sea salt, and you’ll have yourself a DIY exfoliating product. Great for removing excess skin on lips and body.

Get beautiful cuticles – Treat your dry cuticles with some Vaseline and have beautiful-looking fingers immediately!
Power up your serum – After applying your favourite eye serum or face cream, dab tiny dots of Vaseline as it will lock in the moisture. Careful not to do this over retinol-based formulas or other powerful products as it can cause skin irritation.
Chafe no more – Do you have areas that are prone to chaffing? Rub some on affected area and make it a thing of the past.
Glow all over – Have you ever seen how Victoria’s Secret models sort of glow on certain body parts? Well, if you’re heading to the beach rub some over your legs and abs with a little bit of bronzer for that envious sheen.
Heal cracked elbows – Apply some Vaseline on your dry and cracked elbows before bed to give them the surge of moisture they need.