In this modern day and age, you find that a lot of couples give up at the first sign of trouble and while that may be the easier choice, sometimes it’s worth working through a relationship. Do you ever look at your grandparents or parents and wonder how they have managed to stick out with one another for the longest time when there you are, struggling to keep your millennial relationship.
Despite what studies suggest, it’s not that complicated to keep your relationship together. Maximise the strength of your bond with your significant other by practicing these relationship tips:

Remind yourself who you fell in love with – This is the most important tip of all, I think. You may not always necessarily like your partner because life gets like that sometimes but when you’re going through something tough, remember why you wanted to be with this person in the first place.
It’s okay to fight – To have a successful relationship does not mean you don’t fight at all. In fact, a few arguments here and there (over things that matter) is actually healthy. Of course, when you do fight, do it fairly and not in a way that would harm the relationship. Never bring up things from the past as that’s the unhealthy kind of arguing, which you shouldn’t be doing. Name-calling is another no-no!
Give and take – In any relationship, it is so important to compromise, especially so in a marriage. No one person can always be the one that’s right or get everything that they want. In order for marriage or any relationship to work, both parties must be willing to put in the work.

Don’t resist change – In time, people grow and change. It’s important to adapt to this change instead of resisting in when in a relationship. Learn to grow together instead of resenting the other person for being “different” than who they used to be. Understand the needs of one another and always talk it through to recognise the changes.
Forgiving doesn’t mean having to forget – In a marriage or any relationship, it’s vital to know when you’re in the wrong and even more important to realise that you’re not necessarily always right. When it’s time to apologise, don’t be unwilling to say sorry. When it’s time to forgive your partner for something that happened, forgive whole-heartedly and don’t bring it up in future arguments. It doesn’t do the relationship any favours!
Remember the little things – Sometimes it’s the little things that brings you closer and keeps you together. Always remember to hold hands, or give your partner a kiss for doing something around the house for you. Hug often and you’ll be amazed at how great it feels to receive a hug from your partner or receiving one after a long day at work!