Not all guys are the same but a lot of them are pretty similar to the next one when it comes to doing things that would tick women off. In order to understand what is it that really gets on our nerves, we decided to ask a few ladies on what they think are some of the most annoying traits that guys need to stop doing, like, yesterday!

“It’s definitely not the worst thing but I wouldn’t say that it’s the best either. I don’t care if he hasn’t got a car of his own for whatever reason but I need to know that he can drive. I’m not saying pull up in my driveway in a Ferrari or drive like Brian O’Connor (From The Fast and the Furious franchise) but being able to control the wheels will definitely score you some brownie points.” – Bree, 27
“What’s that? You make how much a year? Oh, you think you’re hot? Get out of here with that attitude. Do guys actually think this sh*t is attractive. You look like a complete idiot. We like it when men are being humble. Going on and on about how good looking you are implies that you think that I am below you and that’s something I should never forget. Bragging is a big no-no!” Anna, 29
“I cannot stress this enough. Dudes, take your time and let us finish before you do. Being selfish in bed is one of the most unattractive things ever!” Jane, 34

“I once went on a date this guy that kept telling me he was a nice guy. I feel as though, if he were a really nice guy, he didn’t have to keep shoving it down my throat. If you’re a nice guy it would show. You don’t have to say it so many times. Usually the ones that do carry on about how nice they are, turn out to be anything but.” Joanne, 27
“Taking 12 hours to reply my message. I mean, seriously? I’m not clingy at all, but have a little respect and reply my text. If we are dating and you take that long to reply a text, I need to reconsider!”