Sexy time, fun time.
Boring, predictable and dull sex in a relationship is usually caused by a various number of things and if not taken care of, the bad sex will take a toll on the relationship. So, if you feel like your sex life could use an extra zest of passion, do something about it! Our in-house sexpert shares some ways to keeping thing sexciting.

1. Live Out Your Fantasies
Being in a long term and committed relationship is no reason to not act out your fantasies. Share your fantasies with each other and indulge in them together. This way you not only get to have better sex, you also get to bond in a more intimate manner.

2. Give Toys A Try
By toys, we mean sex toys. Men usually find a certain delight in watching a woman please herself. Hit your local sex store, get the essentials like toys and lubes to turn your man on faster and to add pleasure in bed.

3. Abstinence
Living with your boyfriend? If you are, then practice abstinence because convenient sex will end up being just that – convenient. No spark, no passion, just sex with minimum satisfaction. Save it for special occasions like anniversaries or days when you go out partying together. The wait and the tease will be worth it.

4. Skip The Bed
You don’t need a bed to have sexy time. There are many places where you and your partner can have fun. Think bathroom, kitchen, balcony, car or a public place even. The thrill of getting caught by doing it outdoors adds to the thrill and an immediate rush to sex.

5. Take Control
Switch things up if he’s always the one doing the dominating. Be the dominatrix, take charge and lead him instead of letting him lead.

6. Be Honest
Now let’s be frank, honesty and truthfulness works in every aspect of a relationship, not just your sex life. So if you want to experience the best sex in your lives and stay loyal to each other then talk and exchange your sexual thoughts, desires and needs with each other. Tell your man what you want and you like and vice versa, you’ll both appreciate it.

7. Be Confident
Confidence is key, confidence is sexy, never forget that. The last thing a man wants and needs from a woman is her lack of confidence. Throw on a pair of sexy lingerie, stare at yourself in the mirror without judging yourself for a boost of confidence.

8. Tease
Take your time and indulge in foreplay, a lot of foreplay and nothing else. Lay your man in bed, discover his body before going near his privates and when you do, take him home but only orally.

9. Pamper Each Other
Sometimes losing yourself in the comfort of a committed relationship is inevitable so treat your man to a delicious home cooked dinner, watch his favourite movie, show him a appreciation and love before treating him to a night long of love making.

10. Make A Sex Tape
Now before you start booing this idea, hear me out — making a sex tape in the comfort of your home can be thrilling. The idea of being recorded while in the act is a major turn on for most people, just be sure that only the two of you have access to the video. For safer measures, delete the video right after watching it to avoid a Kim Kardashian and Ray J situation.
Have fun experimenting, lovers!