* Update (14 Nov 2012)
National University of Singapore (NUS) has terminated Alvin Tan’s ASEAN scholarship to further his education in law studies at the institution.
The [former] ASEAN scholar, known for publicizing his sexual escapades with his girlfriend on “Sumptuous Erotica” will now have to pay full fees as a foreign student at NUS, should he choose to resume his law studies, which may cost up to RM275,000.
The ASEAN scholarship is a prestigious one throughout Asia, where it is only awarded to 170 undergraduates from nine ASEAN countries annually.
The 24 year old refused to make any comments, stating that his is bound by a confidentiality agreement. (Source)
*Update (12 Nov 2012)
Vivian Lee has recently made a public apology via Facebook for her “adventures” on her and her boyfriend’s sex blog.
“During the first week, shortly when news of this incident broke out, my mind was in a total state of blank and I seemed to be in a daze half of the time. Everything seemed surreal to me as it was both unexpected and unprecedented. For the entire week, I was forgetful, absent-minded; and I took longer than usual to process information and had difficulty responding even to simple questions. In short, I was suffering from a severe case of mental block. Three weeks now into the incident, I am in a more coherent state of mind. Therefore, I would like to point out some things which I have been yearning to get off my chest for the past three weeks.”
“The occurrence of this saga has stirred a whirlpool of both negative and positive opinions alike. Many have been (and are still) debating on the morality of our actions. Some individuals perceived this issue as nothing extraordinary and said that it is our prerogative to do what we deemed please as long as no harm is inflicted on others whereas there are also individuals who said that what we did was immoral and it was a stunt pulled for the sake of gaining fame and cheap publicity. I have no qualms with people judging us and I have no intention of stopping them from doing so. However, what really irate me was the fact that some of the comments were lopsided and were passed out by individuals who simply shoot their mouths off without any prior knowledge or clear understanding of the situation. To me, morality is a very subjective matter and should be viewed from various angles/ perspectives with a fair, unbiased and non-judgmental mind.”
“Now,let’s get straight to the point. First and foremost, I DID NOT publicise the blog in a way at all, contrary to popular belief. If I had wanted the so-call fame and cheap publicity that much I would have done so long ago in so many ways. I could have circulated the link of the blog via emails, put up advertisements in websites, paste posters of my blog on lamp post ala Malaysian ah long style or better still go directly to the media and say “Hey, here’s my blog link. Go check it out and please spread the word around!” for quick and immediate effect. But then again, I shall reiterate I DID NOTHING like that.”
“Apart from that, another thing that really puzzles me is the humongous fuss that was kicked up over this issue. Questions never cease to pop up in my mind whenever I ponder over this. Did our blog inflict any harm or pain in anyone? Did the blog cause the stock market to crash or the country to suffer an economic crisis? Did the blog cause anyone to be diagnosed with incurable terminal illnesses? Besides, it’s not like we strapped anyone to a chair, taped his/ her eyelids and forced them to view or blog.”
“I also wonder why can’t people be more pragmatic and focus more serious that are significantly detrimental to the nation’s well-being such as corruption, drug abuse, human trafficking, domestic violence, robberies, murders and homicides. Our country could have been a better place if people use their time in a more productive manner by thinking of ways to tackle the aforementioned issues and cooperating with authorities when necessary, instead of harping on this sex blog issue (which is relatively trivial). Some concerned individuals even try to play the moral card and impose their values on us by demanding that we make a public apology. Sorry to say but I believe that the only party who truly deserves my apology is my family, especially my mother (whom I have apologised to) for causing her hurt and distress.”
“(Pregnant pause) Okay, on second thought, I would also like to take this opportunity on the behalf on Alvin and I, to apologise to both the Singapore and Malaysian government if we have unintentionally said or done anything offensive.”
“Lastly, I would like to thank a certain group of keyboard warriors for taking out some of their “precious time” to give us “constructive criticisms/ advices” by leaving comments filled with hatred and contempt on our statuses, which will be eventually ignored.”
What do you do to take your relationship to the ‘next level’? Unlike most couples, this couple is taking their sexual adventures to the public eye.
Well, Alvin Tan Jye Yee (24) a law student from National University of Singapore (NUS) and his 23-year-old girlfriend Vivian Lee had uploaded photos and videos of themselves in suggestive poses as well as having sex. These two are Malaysians studying in Singapore who met on the internet and kindled a relationship by sending each other nude photos (maybe that is what they had in common?).
The couple started to heat up their relationship by taking and posting photos and videos of themselves in the act of intercourse and what not. They created a website called ‘Sumption Erotica’ where they posted and shared these photos to the public. In fact, when running the site (which is now taken down by the couple) they encouraged readers to comment and share their photos.
The couple is said to be currently back in Malaysia and Tan has plans to go back to NUS in January to finish his law degree. Tan had received an Asean scholarship in 2004 and attended Xinmin Secondary School and Raffles Junior College before entering NUS on an Asean undergraduate scholarship. (source)
In an interview with Yahoo! Singapore, Alvin Tan said “After taking more and more photos, we started to want some sort of recognition for our work so we uploaded them on Facebook but we blurred out the critical parts,” Tan also told Yahoo! Singapore that both he and Lee have been approached to endorse sex toys and lingerie by companies in Singapore.
Sources also say that Tan may be getting in some sort of trouble when he returns back to Singapore to continue his studies. As for Lee, she and Tan did not care what others thought about them and would continue with their “activity” as they both enjoyed it.
Moral of the story? Keep your private adventures off the internet!
The couple have posted a video explaining and answering questions from curious people:

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