In a desperate attempt to attain the infamous thigh gap, some women are turning to clinics that questionably promise to slim down their upper thighs using laser technology!
Women in the Dallas/Fort Worth area who whine about their thighs touching are now turning to DFW wellness centre, Thrive to make themselves bikini ready.
Thrive clinic offers Zerona, a cold laser treatment known to contour the body and zap fat in a noninvasive way and they have managed to manipulate their clientele into believing that these are the issues women should be focusing on.
Tara, who tried to widen her thigh gap, said she tried the pain-free procedure after not seeing any success with her own workout plan.
“I work out up to five times a week. I eat healthy. It’s just a really hard area to target. So, I don’t want any major surgery, liposuction, or something crazy like that.”
Okay so I know everyone wants the thigh gap and not everyone has it but to go to the extend of getting lasers to kill the fat cells in your thighs for it — now that’s a little crazy don’t you think?