Ever wondered what models might look like without the magic of Photoshop? Swimsuits For All, a brand dedicated to giving plus-sized women(sizes 8 to 34) a wide selection of swimwear, has just released an inside look. Featuring the gorgeous mother and model Denise Bidot, this campaign embraces the natural beauty of women’s bodies. Along with soft curves and feminine shapes, it also features the perceived “flaws” many of us get insecure about, such as cellulite and stretchmarks.

Bidot has received criticism in the past for her full figured frame, and wants to encourage women to love their bodies, no matter what size, skin colour, or age you are. Swimsuits For All has made amazing campaigns in the past featuring plus sized models rocking what they’ve got, and we definitely love their latest message. Perhaps if more brands released unretouched photos of their models, we’d all be able to appreciate the real beauty of women, from slim to curvy.
