In an age where we seem to be obsessed about using waxes, creams, razors and lasers to get rid of any ‘unwanted’ body hair, this new trend is definitely a surprise. From Madonna to Miley Cyrus to the star of the HBO series “Girls”, Lena Dunham and Jemima Kirke, celebrities and other trendsetters seem to be embracing their natural underarm hair. Many might this trend a little unappealing, as we are definitely more used to men keeping their pits unshaven rather than women, but perhaps this is a positive and feminist message amongst young women of today?

Jemima Kirke was tired of the constant backlash she got for sporting body hair on the red carpet, and posted a picture of sex symbol, Sophia Loren, on Twitter who was modelling her armpit hair as well way back in the day.

What do you think of this trend? Is it empowering or just gross?