Breakups are the worst, there is no denying that. When we go through this hell-ish ordeal, all we want to do is curl up in a fetal position for weeks, buried in our blankets, while stuffing our face with some ice cream.
But after some time and a lot of tears, we eventually snap out of it and start to function like a normal, sane human being once again. And once you’re feeling good enough to get out of that bed is the time you need to travel.
Why? Because dealing with our emotions is not as easy as we would like it to be. Even if you’ve mustered the strength to get out of bed and deal with the world, it doesn’t mean that you’re fully healed from the heartbreak, which is precisely why you should travel while going through a breakup.
Leisurely travel is always fun but doing so when you’re consumed with heartache will most likely kick away the heartbreak blues. Here are some of the reasons why you should definitely pack a bag and discover a new place or country when dealing with a breakup:

It’s the best time to find yourself – Often when going through a breakup you feel like you have lost yourself and that’s only natural, especially during this type of situation. You feel lost and uncertain of who you are because of what has happened. But traveling alone means you’re in charge of everything, especially the itinerary and if you get lost in a totally new city, you’re forced to find your way back to your hotel. Once you’ve conquered a whole new place on your own, you will start feeling great and more confident that you can take on anything, including this damned heartbreak!
You get to meet new people – It’s not just meeting new people but the possibility of meeting people with similar interests as yours and people that are traveling alone just like you are. This will help sink in the notion that you are not alone in life, even if you’re feeling a little lonely.

You’re literally getting away – Being home means you will be tempted to check what’s going on with your Facebook news feed or what he is doing on Facebook but being away means you will have to get out there and explore. How can you possibly cry in front of a computer screen when Tuscany awaits outside?
You get some proper “me” time – Nothing better than some peace and quiet to heal the heart from the roaring pains of a heartache. In a new city that’s unfamiliar, you’re able to reward yourself with some clarity without having to deal with the distractions of what home might.
You’ll grow from this experience – Traveling sure does make a person grow but traveling alone can make you feel like you’re capable of so much more than you led yourself to believe. You realise that being alone is not the worst thing in the world and that there’s so much more to life than crying over somebody who never had it 100% for you.