Zalora, Asia’s Online Fashion Destination will allow shoppers to enjoy GST free shopping by using the voucher code “GSTDROP”. The code triggers a 6% off any purchase made on Zalora.

“Zalora’s goal is to offer value for money fashion items to its customers in Malaysia. We will always price our products competitively, this is to encourage shoppers to keep their lifestyle and shopping habits as they did pre-GST, in this case we decided to go all in, with the new GSTDROP voucher prices on Zalora will be lower than they were before GST”, said Zalora Malaysia’s managing director, Giulio Xiloyannis.
Not only has Zalora decided not to increase its prices by the 6% new GST levels, with prices pre-voucher rising less than 1% across the whole website, the international online fashion retailer decided to also apply a storewide 6% discount available to all customers, hence actually lowering prices for all by 5% compared to pre-GST prices!
“The GSTDROP voucher will be activated on the 1st of April, and will be guaranteed by Zalora for the whole month of April 2015” said Xiloyannis.
Happy shopping!