Man models and celebrities have been chowing down on a pricey meal delivery service called Sakara, which is an organic eating plan comprising of nutrient-dense, plant-based meals made with locally sourced produce, healthy fats, and vegetarian protein. Instead of counting calories, Sakara places emphasis on eating sufficient essential nutrients.

The service includes three meals per day for every weekday, and delivers food three times a week. If you live in certain areas of United States, you can try it for $99 per day (or $1,390 for a 20-day plan). A staff food scientist ensures that the meals fall into the basic range, and Sakara coaches can advise customers who have special dietary needs.

If you’re hungry between meals, you can munch on organic fruit or vegetables, or snacks like popcorn, which costs $12 on the website.

According to the founders, the meals are designed to be part of a program that offers a day’s worth of nutrients spread out throughout three meals. Clearly, with the exorbitant price, high-quality ingredients are used.

The food looks delicious, doesn’t it? The question is, would you drop $99 a day on food?