She’s one of the world’s breakthrough stars, also one of the world’s most beautiful people (as voted by People magazine in 2006). We’ve watched her grow through her many dramatics roles (e.g. “Havoc”, “Brokeback Mountain”, “Love and Other Drugs”), but perhaps she is more famously known for her talent to make us laugh until we beg for mercy via her endearingly klutzy roles in chick flicks such as “The Princess Diaries”, “Bride Wars”, and “The Devil Wears Prada”.
And in 2003, she was given the opportunity to work with Joel Schumacher’s “The Phantom of the Opera” but unfortunately, she had to give that one up because of clashing film production times. However, in 2012, Oscar-nominated Anne Hathaway is all set to knock us off our feet with one of her biggest roles in the history of her film career, as Selina Kyle (also known as, “Catwoman) in Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight Rises”.
It was said that Anne Hathaway went through weeks on intensive training and a super strict diet to fit into her character’s requirements – and her character’s super skintight costume. We say, that for 29-year-old Anne, whose already has curves in all the right places, is going to take being “Catwoman” to a whole new level (sorry Michelle Pfeiffer and Halle Berry!).
Here’s a first look at her killer super costume:
To top it all off, she’ll be playing her role alongside the extremely drool-worthy English actor, Christian Bale. We’re wondering how she can get any work done around him, even! But one thing’s for sure, we can’t wait to watch Anne Hathaway rock out with claws out as the bad kitty when “The Dark Knight Rises” premieres.

For more information visit the official movie website.