Be patient and you may no longer have to be a slave at the gym!
Researchers at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute have developed two compounds that aid inactive white fat cells to behave like their energy-burning brown counterparts.
After countless tries, the team found two molecules with the ability to rework cells’ metabolic capacity. The more the compounds, the more the white fat converted to brown, and vice versa.
However, these compounds weaken the immune system. Hence, it isn’t an exercise pill quite yet.

Researcher Chad Cowan believes that his team is at least 10 years away from a commercially available product.
The team also doesn’t think that the pure fat-burning pill would ever replace the advantages of exercise such as clarity of mind and stress management.
Whatever it is, the race is on to figure out the right way to change the balance between white and brown fat cells.
If it doesn’t weaken your immune system, would you take the pill or would you stick to burning calories at the gym? Let us know in the comments section below!