Tattoo artist Jason Ward is not someone that will deny anybody the ink that they want. Even if it’s a woman with Down syndrome that has a temporary tattoo package with her.
Like the good man that he is, Ward has been putting on temporary tattoos on his special needs client Suzie Barry for about four months now. It all started when she walked into his New Zealand shop called Hamilton’s Muscle and Ink, and then proceeded to place the package on the counter. In response to Ward’s slight hesitance, Barry repeated her out of the ordinary request and instead of denying Barry of what could be a simple task, Ward directed Barry to a chair and put on his latex gloves.

He did so keeping in mind that he would not like it if one of his family member would feel if they were treated with disrespect. Barry’s so pleased with Ward’s work that she makes sure to come back every friday to get her tattoo on.
There are some who’s accused Ward for advertising subversively but he told NZ Herald:
It’s crazy. Some people think it’s a publicity stunt but it’s not, it’s just an everyday thing…
If you just do one thing for one person every day that makes them smile, then that’s your day. If everybody does that then everybody’s smiling.
She prefers Maori design, and apparently one of her caregivers just told me someone at a day base thing that she goes to, has Ta Moko all up their arm.
Apparently she goes back there on a Friday and afternoon and compares them. She’s got a good spirit too you know.