When you’re in that time of your life where everything feels like it’s meant to be and you meet the right person, magic begins. There is no way to describe the bond between a healthy couple other than that word. As human beings as well as one half of a couple, it’s important to communicate to get our feelings across. But what could be better than that? Communicating with them without having to use so many words. Here’s how you know that you’re part of a healthy couple that’s able to communicate without saying too much.

You share inside jokes with each other – One of the many things that makes a relationship feel so special is when you and your partner have plenty of inside jokes, which no one else will quite get. That private moment shared between two people is absolutely precious and indicates that not a lot has to be said for the two of you to make each other glee.
They’re ALWAYS there for your wants – We are not saying that you should to turn into a doormat but to understand each other’s needs or wants without the other having to incessantly repeat it is quite a precious thing. Nothing is as good as your partner living for you as much as they live for themselves.

You don’t have to say much for them to know – What’s better than telling your partner that you’ve had an upsetting day? Not telling him but him knowing what kind of day you’ve just had. They feel what you feel and will do anything to turn your frown upside down.
They can say a simple “I’m sorry” – When a healthy couple fights (all couples do, it’s something that cannot be avoided), they don’t have to elaborately apologize, as a healthy couple will have enough respect for one another to not say anything over the line. What may have started with harsh tones will eventually end with a loving embrace.
They truly bring out the best in one another – Another way that you have grown as a person is through being with your partner. When you’re with somebody that moulds you into a better version of yourself, then you’re good!