When you have had a long day at work, you might want to forget about going to the gym and instead have a tub of ice cream. While it is so tempting to indulge in this sinful food because it might help curb your stress, you probably shouldn’t. Why? Well, it will most definitely affect your waistline. A lot of people think its the exercises that helps keep the tummy lean and to a certain extent it is, but it’s also what you eat. So, if you want to keep your tummy in good shape, here are some of the foods that can help:

Avocados are filled with B vitamins, which has been proven to be self relievers. It’s also packed with monounsaturated fats and fiber that helps keep you full. Make some homemade guacamole with your avocados and eat it with some black bean chips. Or you can just slice the fruit in half and eat it on its own, which is just as delicious.

Chocolate Milk
Yeah, believe it or not, chocolate milk can help you shrink that growing waistline. Chocolate milk has got potassium in it, which helps with muscle spasms and it’s a childhood favourite! Just make sure you stick to the low-fat version.

This food is totally packed with fiber and will keep you full for a very long time. Oatmeal also helos with the production of serotonin. In case you’re wondering what that is, it’s a naturally produced chemical in our bodies that helps make us feel happy! Try using non-fat milk when making your oatmeal.

If you’re craving for something sweet but don’t want to munch on anything unhealthy, opt for low-calorie fruit. Raspberries are packed with stress-fighting antioxidants and vitamin C, which gives the immune system a natural boost. If you don’t care for eating the fruit on its own, why not mix it with some low-fat Greek yoghurt?