The two of you are getting along and you’ve never really felt this way about anyone. He is kind, compassionate, funny and pretty easy on the eyes. And yes, these are all good things, but what are the other signs that say you two are completely compatible and have a rock-solid relationship? The signs for that are a little less obvious:
Being grateful – You are thankful for him and all that he has done for you, no matter how small it is and you never forget to say thank you. Expressing gratitude towards one another has been proven to be beneficial in a relationship.

You love to kiss – Personally, I think kissing can be a lot more intimate than sex and if you’re one of those couples who just can’t get enough of puckering up for one another then you have nothing to worry about.
Chick flicks are always an option – It doesn’t have to be chick flicks but if he can watch The Notebook with you without complaining or making fun of it, then he is a keeper!

You exercise together – You don’t allow one another to get sloppy and the both of you make an effort to lead a healthy lifestyle together. This promotes a long-lasting relationship because a couple that exercises together, stays together.
You gut tells you this is it – You can rely on signs or research but if you gut tells you that a relationship is going to be good and that person is the one for you, then it most likely is the way it’s meant to be. Trust your instincts, it’s almost never wrong.