Once you have reached a certain age, you realize that being an adult is a lot more fun than you were led to believe. Seriously though, being a kid, or even a young adult is not an easy thing to go through. I experienced it and I’m sure as hell really glad that I’m now finally an adult, at least I would like to think so. See, being an adult means you grow not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. You also get to do whatever you want without having to ask for permission! Here are some of the things you should stop caring about by the time you reach 30 or adulthood, whichever comes first.

Making plans – It used to be mandatory to party during the weekends but as you get older, all you care about is some ‘me’ time and that usually means alone at home, watching your favourite movie or reading a book with a glass of wine to go with it.
Front row whatever and whenever – During your younger days, when attending a concert, all you cared about was being at the front row. So far to the front that you can smell your favourite artist’s sweat! Now, you try your very best to get away from the raging crowd and sit at a place where you can truly experience your favourite tunes live.
Saying NO – Whether it’s for a date or a night out with friends, getting older only makes you more bold and that comes with the great pleasure of being able to say, no! You may have felt obligated before but you’re not more than confident to decline.

Fitting in – The feeling of not caring whether or not you fit in is one of the most liberating feeling in the world. When younger, you worried about what to wear or do to be deemed as cool. Now in your adulthood, being cool means doing whatever you want and whatever that feels right to you.
Your weight – Your main concern when it comes to weight will no longer be to look skinny but to be healthy. As you get older, you will find that it’s a lot easier to accept and love your flaws instead of condemning them.
The “right” person – Dating only gets easier as you get older. Hard to believe but it is indeed very true. Despite what pop culture has led you to believe, finding someone as you get older is not an impossible thing. Actually, you might want to consider waiting till you are a little more mature because having a better sense of who you are helps create a lasting relationship with your future partner.