Music icon Prince announced not one, but two, brand new studio albums to be released globally via Warner Bros. Records. The much-anticipated albums are ‘Art Official Age’ and ‘Plectrumelectrum’, set to release on September 30th 2014 in the US. ‘Art Official Age’ is a solo
album and ‘Plectrumelectrum’ is by Prince’s new band 3RDEYEGIRL. Both albums, which are sold separately, are now available for pre-order via digital retailers and from store.artofficialage.com. Early buyers will be able to unlock ‘instant grat’ tracks from each record.

“Prince is one of just a handful of visionary artists who have truly reshaped and redefined modern music and culture,” said Warner Bros. Records Chairman & CEO Cameron Strang. “For the past 35 years, he has never stopped evolving, challenging himself, reinventing his sound, and pushing boundaries. In true Prince fashion, he has just given us not one, but two extraordinary albums that express the incredible range and depth of his talent. All of us at WBR are immensely proud to be working with Prince to bring this brilliant new music to his legions of fans around the world, and needless to say we are thrilled to be working in partnership with him again.”