Take it all off!

After a nice hot shower, all you want to do is hop into bed and cuddle either your man or your bolster to sleep right? And that is what you should do! Skip the pyjamas and get right into it. Let’s just think about it, sleeping naked is not only sexy, experts swear naked sleep is actually good for you. With that said, here are our top reasons why you should sleep naked and hopefully after reading this article, no more pyjamas for good!
1. Air Out Your Vajayjay

Okay girls, your vajayjay has been cope up in that tight tiny material the whole day and did you know, it’s totally normal to have yeast and bacteria down there and the warm environment can sometimes cause an overgrowth. Yes, that’s right, so one way to prevent infections is to go commando and it’s good to air it out once in a while.
2. Self-esteem

If you have body confidence issues then sleeping naked might just help you learn to love yourself. Spending time naked makes you feel comfortable with your body. When you are comfortable with your body, you act more confidently which makes you happy and is viewed as attractive by others.
3. Better Sleep

Sleep to me has to be one of the most comfiest activity at the end of a day, and wearing pyjamas gets in the way of that. Sleeping naked regulates body temperature (so you don’t overheat – there’s nothing worse than waking up a sweaty mess) meaning you’ll be sleeping like a log in no time. 4. Age Slower

Here is one of the most natural anti-ageing solutions, girls! You see, wearing clothes at night keeps your body temperature warmer, which prevents growth hormones from being released and working its magic to repair your skin. Being cold at night encourages this, leading to less wrinkles.
5. Superb Sex

You’ll not only turning him on by wearing absolutely nothing, you too feel absolutely sexy just laying there. And if you don’t know it by now, skin on skin promotes oxytocin production and nothing can be more inviting for your partner than you naked!
Have a great sleep girlies!